Why Strategic Alignment is Critical to Enable Effective Decarbonization

Part 1 of Digital Strategies to Support Net Zero

On-Demand Webinar

Enabling an effective and measurable “Path to Net Zero” requires alignment across the business and digital strategies with operational excellence. Leaders in decarbonization have solid and integrated engineering, operational, and carbon data management with enterprise consistent GHG KPIs integrated with energy and asset performance management to enable operationalization, accountability, and intelligent, data-based decision making.

To have effective decarbonization, it is imperative to have alignment across the business and digital strategies with a system in place designed to coordinate and streamline the data.

In the first installment of our four-part webinar series, we will focus on why and how to ensure alignment across the business and digital strategies with operational excellence, and the associated dimensions of people/culture, work processes, technology, and continuous improvement (CI). With this context, we will illustrate how linkage with a digital twin – a system of systems – can ease the path for true leaders in decarbonization to achieve a credible path to net zero.

In this webinar, you will learn

  • Why alignment is critical in developing and implementing effective decarbonization and a verifiable path to net zero
  • The process for alignment linking business strategy with OpEx, Digital Strategy using a digital twin
  • Alignment examples linking attributes and digital twin elements of data input, analytics, and visualization/decision support system

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